1. This league shall be called the Frank Smith Pool League affectionately it will be known as Smithy’s pool league and confined to clubs elected by the management committee. Officers of the league shall comprise of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. These posts may only be filled by members who have served on the committee for a minimum of twelve (12) months.
The league management committee shall comprise of the above and a number of other members. these other persons shall be from different clubs (where possible) and elected at each AGM.
1a. Divisional Secretaries will be selected from committee members (and where possible) will not represent the divisions they compete in and will be responsible for any problems in their division but may refer problems to the committee.
2. Entrance fees for the teams competing shall cover cost of trophies, management fees and expenses, and shall be £50 for summer league and £60 for winter league, also each player shall pay £2 registration fee. A fee of £2 per person in singles & £2 per person in pairs competitions will be applied in both winter & summer seasons.
No refunds will be given if a team fails to start the season its paid for and has not informed the league two weeks before the start.
3. In all matters put to a vote at general meeting each club shall have only one vote, the Chairman, irrespective of club, shall have any necessary casting vote.
4. All league matches shall be played on Tuesday’s and commence at 8.00pm. No matches to be cancelled unless extreme circumstances prevail, and must be agreed by the committee.
4a. If a team is not at the venue and ready to play or has not phoned to explain they will be late by 8.15pm it will be deemed as a non-attendance and rule 8 will apply.
4b. If play has not finished by the time called by the landlord, and a team has been found guilty of starting the match late then any outstanding games may be claimed by their opponents.
4c. Any match started on time and not completed on the due night (for any reason) must be concluded within 7 days. If players cannot agree within the original 7 days the committee will give a date and may select a neutral venue (if circumstances prevail). If either team fails to turn up points are awarded to attendees, only players present on original match night will be eligible to complete the match.
Teams shall inform their Divisional Secretaries of unfinished matches within 24hrs.
Both team captains shall inform their Divisional Secretary of the players available to play the unfinished game/games.
4d. A time limit rule has been introduced as per International Rules for taking shots in Singles and Pairs league matches and competitions alike.
This rule can be ignored if both captains agree or applied if one captain insists.
If this rule is ignored, and one or both captains feel the match will not finish the time limit rule can be applied.
4e. Alternating breaks has been brought in at the AGM with the away team to break first in frames 1-3-5-7 and home team 2-4-6 in first set in second set home team to break in frames 1-3-5 and the away team in 2-4-6. This is for 13 Singles only.
4f. At the AGM on 27/03/2024, 12 Singles and 3 Pairs was voted in for the Summer 2024, this will be played as follows: Pairs, 6 Singles, Pairs, 6 Singles, Pairs. A player may only play once in the Pairs in any match.
In regard to overtime play the landlords decision is final. If either captain decides they do not wish to continue after 11.20pm this decision will be accepted. Any match not completed rule 4c will apply.
5. Match format to be decided at AGM.
5a. At the start of each match two sheets are to be filled out (one per team) with the first pairs followed by 3 singles names on each sheet then swop sheets after the fourth frame three names on sheet, then in the second half; pairs followed by first pairs, 3 singles, then 3 singles and final pairs names,
5b. If a team is short of players as it is anonymous selection the forfeited frame(s) can go anywhere and the player opposite space will get 3 ranking points.
Names can be changed on the sheets if both captains agree.
6. In the event of a club being obliged to withdraw from the league results will stand provided all teams have played the withdrawn team once in the first half of the season, if not then the results will be voided and all ranking points revoked.
6a. Players from a withdrawn team are free to join another team in an appropriate division and free to continue in competitions that they have already competed in.
6b. Any player playing in a league on a Tuesday outside of the FSPL has to have played at least 8 frames in a season for the FSPL at the quarter final stage of any competition to be eligible to continue.
7. Home teams shall be responsible for the table costs. all games must be refereed by both teams on an alternative game basis, with the first game being refereed by the home team, the second by the away team and so on. Only registered players may referee games..
The result sheet must be signed by the players before the start of each game and must be handed in at the next general meeting. Failure to provide a correct match result sheet or failure to notify the Divisional Secretary of a match result will mean the offending club having no ranking points awarded.
7a. Both teams must text result to their Divisional Secretaries on the night of the match and whatsapp or photo message the match result sheet to Simon – 07412661156 or Dave – 07760372759. Failure to do this would result in no ranking points being awarded,
Meetings are optional unless you have a question or you need to pay money the choice is yours.
7b. Any team failing to attend an AGM will be deducted 3 points as from 2010 . Any team failing to complete a season will pay a £50 bond for the coming season.
7c. Failure to agree a match result (without a result sheet) will mean no points to be awarded to both teams.
8. Any team not attending or attending with insufficient players a score of 9-0 + bonus will be given to attendee’s.
9. Any team found to have played a non registered player in a match will lose all points gained from that match and the points will be awarded to their opponents. For a player to be registered for a match his signature plus registration fee (£2) must be with the General Secretary, Chairman or Treasurer, 24hrs before that match. All teams must make available on request a copy of their player’s registration if this is not available then they may be deemed to have played a non-registered player and points could be lost for that match. After the start of the season a player must not re-register for another team unless his/her original team leaves the league or a player has not played a league match for the original club. Once a player has played for a team in the team knockout he/she shall be cup tied unless permission is granted by the committee for him/her to play for another club.
9a. The committee reserve the right to refuse a player registration if it feels that unfair advantage would be gained by a team signing a player from a higher division.
No registrations will be accepted with less than four weeks of the season remaining.
10. All singles and pairs knockout matches shall be played on a Wednesday. Players must be at the venue and ready to play by 8.30pm at the latest. All games must be completed by the date set for each round, to enter competitions £2 singles and £4 pairs in all competitions.
No substitutes will be allowed after first round of any pairs competition.
Results must be phoned to General Secretary within 7 days of date set for competition or the match will be forfeit.
10a. In pairs matches if a ball is potted on the break players will be allowed to confer (once) to decide which colour to take.
As of the AGM in 2019, scotch pairs will be played in all pairs competitions.
10b. On finals night if you are late you will lose a frame for every 10mins after the stated 8 o’clock start time.
11. The league presentation of trophies shall take place at a venue with suitable accommodation to be decided by the committee or at a general meeting.
12. A special General Meeting can be called by the committee or at the wish of 12 member clubs who must notify the General Secretary the nature of the business they wish to discuss.
Forms for these meetings may be obtained from General Secretary on request.
All competing clubs shall be advised of any such meeting in writing. Any proposed changes to the constitution can only be heard at a special or Annual General Meeting and members clubs must be given 28 days notice of any such meeting. Any changes to this constitution will only be made on a vote carrying a two-thirds majority.
13. No club shall change its normal venue for homes matches unless permission has been granted by the league committee.
14. Arguments at pool matches will not be tolerated by the committee and any such behaviour could result in players or teams being expelled from the league. Any complaints must be put in writing to the General Secretary within 24hrs of any such event. Any member of a competing clubs found guilty of any disruptive behaviour towards the league will be expelled immediately and not allowed to enter in future seasons (unless agreed by the committee).
The landlord and team captains must be responsible for the players and spectators match nights
15. Trophies may only be collected on presentation nights and will only be awarded to teams and individuals attending the presentations. Entrance is free to all players and their families, partners.
16. No new team will be allowed to enter the league after the first match has been completed (unless special circumstances prevail). All new clubs will only be allowed in at the committees discretion.
17. In the winter season the first three teams will receive trophies. The three top and bottom teams will be promoted and relegated respectively (unless unforeseen circumstances).
In the summer league the divisions may be formed (where possible) on an area basis, therefore promotion and relegation will not apply. Trophies will be awarded to winners and runners up in each division.
17a. If a team withdraws from the league in order to avoid promotion/demotion and then attempts re-join the league the next season with virtually the same team they will be placed in the division (where possible) they should have gone in when they withdrew.
18. League competition rules will always apply in matches and must always be made available at all venues whether it is for league or knockout matches.
19. Although table standards and sizes vary within the various brewery systems, the standard and the upkeep of tables must be maintained to avoid complaints. Any complaints about the standards of tables or lighting must be made within 24hrs of the event in writing to the committee. These complaints will be investigated and any team found to be playing on an unfit table (and ignore committee requests to improve it) may be asked to change their venue for home matches. A cue rest must be provided for seven-foot tables and a short cue must be provided by clubs who have a cue length restriction adjacent to the table.
19a. Minimum age for players is 12 and they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The committee requires written consent from a parent/guardian for any person aged between 12-16 wishing to play in the Frank Smith Pool League, we also require the name of parent/guardian who will be accompanying them. We strongly advise captains to check the venue for age restrictions.
20. The licensee/manager (providing he/she is registered) may play for any team which is based in his/her public house on any given night but he/she may not play for more than one team on any one night, or in an unfinished game if he/she was not present on the original match night. He/she may only play for one team in the knockout cup in any given season.
And may not participate in any playoff matches unless for the team he/she originally registered for.
21. No matches are to be cancelled without express permission from Divisional Secretary/Committee and IF granted will have to be played within 7 days.
21a. Any team failing to fulfil a fixture throughout the season which may affect promotion relegation or divisional trophy places for no apparent reason will be expelled from the league.
Any team failing to fulfil more than two fixtures will be expelled from the league. All players involved in said team will not be allowed to register for any other team for the rest of that season. Further registration requests by such teams/players can only be accepted by letter to the committee
22. During the course of the season if a team fails to turn up for a match and by doing so it affects the trophy placing of the offended team at the end of the season the committee shall have the power set a date for the fixture to be played if the offending team fails to turn up on the fixed date set by the committee (and teams have played once) a corresponding score or average score (9-0) will be awarded whichever is the greater.
22a. In the new format of thirteen singles; two sections are to be played, one of seven and one of six. Players may play twice; but only once in each section.
23. A transfer window will be made available between the 1st -31st December for a player who wishes to change teams. only one player per team may transfer in this window. Transfer forms can be obtained from the General Secretary and must be filled in signed and handed back before a player is eligible to play.
24. If teams finish level on points there will be a play off.
If the same team wins the top division & team ko a play off between runners up in league & cup will take place.
25. Once the balls come to rest the oncoming player is in control. If a ball drops in the pocket with no outside interference it is replaced by the referee with no penalty and no discussion.
26. A new type of ball (pro balls) has been introduced by the EPA, these balls have a different design and weight if you attend a venue that uses this type of ball it is the home team’s choice to use them.
27. For a player to be eligible to play in the knockout stages of the team ko he/she must have played a minimum of one (1) game in the group stages.
28. From the winter season a match result sheet must be completed for each round of the team ko, these sheets will be a different colour. Any arguments about eligibility of players without a match result sheet will mean points gained by ineligible players will be deducted.
29. A referee’s job is to watch the frame and see that it’s played fairly and in a sportsmanlike manner he/she is not there to advise players of loose jewellery or clothing that may cause a foul. If a complaint is made about such behaviour and is proved the referee will be warned about his/her conduct. If a warning has already been issued he/she could be expelled from league.
30. It is considered unsportsmanlike to take your cue apart before the frame is finished if this is done it will be automatic loss of frame. If a player involved in a frame answer’s his/her mobile phone whilst in control of the table this will be an automatic loss of frame.
31. Picking the white ball off the playing surface is as per International Rules.
Picking the white ball out of the pocket after it has left the playing surface is deemed loss of frame.
Picking the white out of the resting place (e.g. exit hole in table) can be done with no penalty.
32. Rankings; if a team fails to attend a match by the stipulated time in the constitution, all members of the team in attendance will fill in a result sheet with their names and signatures and send to Simon Stevens or Dave Coppen by nine o’clock on the night, one ranking point will be awarded to each member on the sheet, if not received by nine o’clock on the night no points will be awarded.